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How to Partner with QuantPi: Turning Methodology into Action



Looking to empower your clients to harness the full potential of AI, while streamlining your own processes? This session is designed specifically for System Integrators and Strategic Consultants, and is the exclusive starting point for a successful partnership with QuantPi.

The complexities of deploying and managing AI can be a hurdle for both you and your clients. QuantPi's AI Trust Platform offers a powerful solution, designed to bridge the gap and enhance joint value creation.

This webinar will introduce the QuantPi AI Trust Platform and We'll explore how you can:

  • Build a comprehensive AI system inventory: Gain complete visibility into your customers' AI landscape.

  • Foster cross-stakeholder collaboration: Break down silos and ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Transform methodology into action: Leverage Trust Profiles to translate requirements into practical assessments for AI systems.

  • Deliver customized AI management for your clients: Guide them towards a well-managed AI landscape aligned with their specific needs.

Watch this informational webinar and discover how QuantPi can strengthen your solution offering for customers!



Dorothea Gotthardt

Chief Operating Officer



Luciana Correa

Partner Management Lead
